EIBA 2014 Tracks:
1. Theme track: The Future of Global Organising
Track chair: Ivo Zander
In our theme track we seek to explore novel ways in which international business is organized. We are interested in contributions that advance our understanding or stretch our thinking about new organizational and geographic structures in MNCs, and other organizational forms across borders and geographies. Will the traditional MNC as we know it be replaced by other dominant designs, and what new forms of global organizing can we expect in the future? What do contemporary digital and technological developments, e.g. social media, virtual worlds, and cloud services, imply for the international organization of work, communication, and management practices? Other examples of phenomena that may inspire our thinking, mentioned in the call for papers, include: cross-sector partnerships of non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, and local communities with MNCs focused on attaining a specific aim, financial and innovation models that include individuals from outside the MNC to participate in its organization, and large actor networks offering serious competition or challenges to MNCs and their activities. Adventurous and thought-provoking papers are particularly welcome.
Keywords: Global organizing; Global business environment; MNC structures; MNC management; The modern MNC; New organizational forms; Cross-sector partnerships; Open innovation models; Large actor networks.
2. Developments in IB theory and methods, trends and critical approaches
Track chair: Ana Teresa Tavares Lehmann
This track aims to advance IB theory, both in terms of enhancing existing theories and developing new theories. Contributions extend concepts from economic or organizational theory and strategy, including institutional, capabilities or resource based perspectives such as emerging market MNEs as outward investors, FDI and motivations for investments, location choices and entry and operation mode decisions, or the wider political social role of MNEs. We welcome pure theory papers as well as theoretical advances supported by empirical tests, as well as papers taking a critical approach to IB issues and theory. This track is also the home for papers addressing methodological issues encountered by IB researchers. We welcome submissions that evaluate applications of current methods or describe the development of new methods that offer innovative design and data analytical strategies to address substantive IB research questions.
Keywords: Assessment of existing theory; Critical approaches; New theoretical concepts; New theoretical models and frameworks; Process Research; Resource-based perspectives; Transaction cost theory; Theory with empirical tests; Dynamic capabilities; Firm-specific advantages; Institutional perspectives on FDI; Institutional change and FDI; Institutional change and MNE theory; Internalization theory; Liabilities of foreignness; Real options perspectives on FDI; Data collection for IB research questions; Measurement issues in IB Research; Multilevel analysis.
3. Internationalisation process, SMEs and entrepreneurship
Track chair: Olli Kuivalainen
The internationalization process of the firm has been a central topic in IB research and is core to this track. Papers discussing the role of learning, risk and resource commitment in international space and studying geographical patterns of internationalization, as well as the role of distance in internationalization and firm performance, are invited to contribute to this track. Papers in this track may specifically address issues of internationalization in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises and “born globals”, as well as discuss international entrepreneurship.
Keywords: Internationalization process model; Internationalization processes; Gradual internationalization; Rapid internationalization; Internationalization of emerging economy firms; Born-global firms; Entrepreneurial networks; Expatriate entrepreneurs; Exporting/Importing by SMEs; Global start-ups; High tech start-ups; International entrepreneurial orientation; International entrepreneurial ventures International entrepreneurship; International new ventures; International strategy for SMEs.
4. Corporate governance, finance, and accounting
Track chair: Niels Hermes
This track calls for papers written from a perspective of the economics or finance disciplines, but with the aim to discuss issues with the broader IB community. Papers can cover issues or topics related to corporate governance, international finance and accounting literatures, and international economics. We particularly welcome papers to this track investigating the effect of the financial crises on MNEs, board internationalization of MNEs, sources of funding and cost of capital of MNEs, and risk exposure and risk insurance strategies of MNEs.
Keywords: Board composition; Corporate performance; Corporate control; Corporate Governance; Ownership structure; Capital flows; Capital market development; Capital structure; Country risk; Economic integration; Exchange rates; Transfer pricing; Executive compensation; Financial management; Financial risk management; Hedging; Foreign portfolio investment; International finance and taxation; Game theory; Initial public offerings (IPOs); International accounting standards; International asset pricing; International economics; International economic development; International financial reporting; International investment; International trade.
5. International HRM, global leadership, language and cross-cultural management
Track chair: Dana Minbaeva
This track seeks contributions exploring the challenges faced by people working in an international and cross cultural context. We invite papers exploring the key issues in the management of people in contemporary MNC contexts, the role of culture and language in intra- and inter-organizational relationships. We are particularly interested in papers in international HRM, diversity management, global talent management and global leadership. Papers submitted to this track may take individual, group or organizational perspectives. We welcome pure theory papers as well as theoretical advances supported by empirical tests, both qualitative and quantitative.
Keywords: International HRM; Strategic HRM in MNCs; International mobility; Expatriates; Inpatriates; Returnees; Dual careers in IB; Careers in an international context; Diasporas; Gender issues across cultures; Women’s careers; Work-family issues; Cross-cultural communication; Cross-cultural management; Cross-national diversity; Intra-national diversity; Cross-cultural teams; Multicultural teams; Bicultural and multicultural identity; Cultural intelligence; Global mindsets; Global leadership; Global leader competencies; Global talent management; Language; Virtual team processes and outcomes.
6. MNC strategy and organisation
Track chair: Tina Ambos
An important theme of study in IB is the organization of multinational corporations, and the management of the process of knowledge generation and transfer between MNC units to create and maintain competitive advantage. What is the role of different units and how do they relate to each other in the MNC organization? This relates to the international strategies and competitiveness of firms: do firms for example develop global or regional strategies and how can firms organize their business to both explore and exploit the opportunities of international business? And, how do international economic and institutional changes affect firm’s international strategies? For this track, we invite conceptual and empirical papers on a broad set of topics related to these issues:
Keywords: Autonomy; Control; Coordination; Local embeddedness; Collaboration; Headquarter-subsidiary relationships; Subsidiary strategy; Headquarters; Competition between local and global firms; Competitiveness; Global networks; Global strategy; International alliances; International Joint ventures; International strategy; Management of operations; Organizational configuration; Organizational structure; Regional headquarters; Regional structure; Regional strategies; Matrix structure; Networks; Ownership strategies; Mergers and acquisitions; Operations in emerging economies; Emerging economy MNEs’ Strategy; State owned MNEs; Performance.
7. International marketing and value chain management
Track chairs: Tomas Hult and Vicky Bamiatzi
Reaching out to global customers is one of the challenges international companies face. As much as developing marketing strategies for international consumers, managing industrial marketing relations and organizing the value chain for competitive advantage is part of international firms’ key strategic questions. This track invites conceptual and empirical papers related to cross-border marketing issues like product positioning, channel development, and pricing, especially when exploring the impact of variety in these processes because of local contextual demands, as well as papers investigating the balance between global and local environments on marketing processes. Furthermore, we welcome papers with new conceptual and empirical insights in global value chain management and the organization of operational networks. This includes issues around entry mode choice and offshoring and outsourcing decisions.
Keywords: Comparative Consumer behavior; Marketing mix; Cross-border marketing activities; Marketing channels; Advertisement; Branding; E-commerce; Pricing; Segmentation; Adaptation versus standardization; Business-to-business marketing; Services marketing; Buyer-supplier relations; Country-of-origin image; Value chain configuration; Value chain coordination; Disaggregation of value chains; Location of operations; Market entry; Market orientation; Distribution management; Entry modes; Export performance; Export sales; Fine slicing of value chains; Geography of IB activities; Global production networks; Global value chains; Importing; Logistics; Marketing in emerging economies; OEM; Offshoring; Outsourcing; Purchasing; Supplier relationships.
8. Knowledge management and innovation
Track chair: Kristiina Mäkelä
Knowledge has been pointed out as one the main sources for competitive advantage, in particular for multinational companies. Papers in this track are invited to discuss and investigate empirically how knowledge is created, transferred, assimilated, combined, transformed and used internationally. The generation of new knowledge and learning is not limited to R&D units, but may happen in global and local network relations within and external to the company. We welcome contributions that offer new insights in knowledge creation and transfer and in the management of these processes in a diverse international context.
Keywords: Exploration vs. exploitation; Global and local knowledge; Innovation in MNEs; International R&D activities of MNEs; Knowledge search; Knowledge access; Knowledge acquisition; Knowledge creation; Knowledge sourcing; Knowledge sharing; Reverse knowledge transfer; Organizational learning in MNEs; Absorptive capacity; Knowledge spillovers in the host country; Learning across borders; Centers of excellence; Learning alliances; Learning in IB networks; National and regional innovation systems; Innovation clusters; Innovation in emerging economies; Networks for innovation; Open innovation; Technology management; Technology Transfer.
9. MNCs, governments and sustainable development
Track chair: Mo Yamin
For this track, we welcome conceptual and empirical papers that advance our knowledge about the role of multinational companies in shaping the environments in which they operate, together with or alongside national governments and cross-border governmental organizations and NGOs. This track looks at the institutional environment, including formal and informal rules such as law, culture, and social norms that shape actions of firms and individuals. The track also invites work on the broader roles and responsibilities of multinational companies in society as well as their societal impacts in the context of global value chains. We think about social, environmental and ethical issues that impact the activities of MNCs or that MNCs actively pursue themselves. We also think about issues relating to governance of global value chains, standard setting, sustainability activities and triggers to upgrading of these networked relationships. A particular interest of submissions to this track can be how MNCs deal with changes and idiosyncrasies in the regulatory, social or ethical environments in which they are active, in both developed and emerging economies.
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility; Accountability; Corporate governance codes; Corruption; Business and society; Environmental sustainability; Ethical business practice; Global value chains and sustainability; Green management; Human rights; Sustainable development; MNE-host government relations; Business-government interaction; Negotiations between MNEs and governments; Governments; Bilateral investment treaties; Free trade areas; Business systems; Legal systems; Comparative analysis of institutions; Comparative economic systems; Formal and informal institutions; Multi-lateral institutions; Institutional distance; Institutional voids; Institutions in emerging economies; MNEs and local economic development; Bottom of the pyramid; Poverty; NGOs; Stakeholders; Upgrading of relationships; Political economy; Political risk; Political ties; Political systems; Political Strategies; Regulation of MNCs; Regional integration; WTO; State ownership; Varieties of capitalism.
10. Teaching international business
Track chair: Elizabeth Rose
This year, we have decided to devote a special track to teaching in our field of International Business. Our aim is to provide program space for sharing innovative approaches to improving education of IB at all levels and making it more enjoyable for both students and teachers. We welcome submissions that are particularly written for sharing knowledge and experiences with regard to specific educational innovations or methods, as well as conceptual and empirical work developing educational principles, courses or programs that may help the IB community to develop its teaching.
Keywords: Case teaching; Case writing; Simulations and role-playing; Games; Experiential learning; Cross-cultural classrooms; Diversity in the (online) classroom; Engaging international students; International collaborations in courses and programs; Dual degrees; International exchange programs; Internationalizing the business school curriculum; Developing an IB curriculum; Undergraduate IB education; Doctoral programs; Executive education; IB textbooks; Multimedia in IB teaching; Open online courses (MOOCs); Web-based courses; Online feedback mechanisms.